See all of the options considered during the alternative analysis phase

Preferred Option

  • 3C – West of Lamar

Options Considered During Summer and Fall 2021

  • 1 – Baseline Patch and Repair

  • 2B – Campus Hybrid

  • 3C – West of Lamar

  • 3D – Underground


Preferred Option: 3C – West of Lamar

Learn about the preferred option for the convention center selected by Dallas City Council.


On February 9, 2022, Dallas City Council selected 3C – West of Lamar as the preferred option for the convention center. During the next phase, the project team will complete the alternative analysis for the transportation option.

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On Wednesday, February 9, 2022, Dallas City Council voted to move forward with the convention center preferred option, 3C – West of Lamar. This transformative option will create new and exciting public destinations in the heart of the city, an integrated transportation hub that brings together local transit options, and area transportation improvements that connect more communities to downtown. The result will turn the convention center district into a regional catalyst for growth and a welcoming place for everyone.

About 3C – West of Lamar

  • 3C – West of Lamar is a new expansion option that meets the Master Plan’s goals and objectives

  • This option includes opportunities for elevated ballrooms with downtown views

  • Opens Griffin and Lamar Streets to natural light

  • Reconfigures Lamar Street to create a central lobby and an enhanced pedestrian experience


August 2021 Update: Four Options Advanced for Further Review

During the alternative analysis phase in summer and fall of 2021, the four options below were advanced for further review. This selection included 3C – West of Lamar, the preferred option selected by Dallas City Council. The other three options were not selected: 1 – Baseline Patch and Repair, 2B – Campus Hybrid, and 3D – Underground.

Baseline 20210701_V2.jpg

Concept 1 Baseline Patch and Repair

This option includes renovation of existing spaces/ballrooms. Addresses outstanding maintenance issues. Investment is predominately allocated to outstanding maintenance. Option does not meet Convention Center program goals. Lowest investment option, resulting in the least economic impact.


  • Renovation of all spaces and ballroom space

  • Address outstanding maintenance

  • Potentially demo "A" Meeting Room Block for new hotel


  • Least cost

  • Preserves existing exhibit halls

  • Preserves existing truck loading


  • Least economic impact

  • Phased renovation complications

  • Will not meet program for meeting/ballroom space

  • Limited to no “back of house” connectivity

  • Deferred maintenance would absorb a large portion of the budget

  • Least positive impact to the District

  • Limited development potential


The visual indicators below show challenges and opportunities for this option.


Concept 2B Campus Hybrid

This option retains and modifies the existing building. Entrances would face downtown and the Cedars. Partially opens Lamar Street and Griffin Street, allowing for natural light. A portion of investment is allocated to deferred maintenance. This option does not meet Convention Center program goals.


  • Demolish A meeting room block for hotel

  • Reconfigure part of Parking A as meeting rooms and expand parking

  • Demolish C building for new Link Hall

  • New shuttle bus/rideshare/taxi hub 

  • New multi-level lobby for D/E/F Halls w/shuttle bus station

  • Demolish Hall D and zone connecting to Omni for new multi-level stacked meeting, ballroom, and concourse space

  • Reconfigure Hall D/E and truck dock to open Lamar Street


  • Reuses much of existing building

  • Partially opens Lamar Street and Griffin Street

  • Entrance facing the Cedars

  • Could meet low end of program range if budget allows


  • Limitations of existing layout remain

  • Limited “back of house” connectivity

  • Phased reconstruction 

  • Some of budget allocated to deferred maintenance

  • Split truck docks

  • Limited improvement to district

  • Limited development potential


The visual indicators below show challenges and opportunities for this option.


Concept 3C West of Lamar

This new build option meets recommended Convention Center program. Opens Griffin and Lamar Streets, allowing for natural light. Land east of Lamar Street is available for development, connecting downtown to the Cedars. Builds over active rail and future High Speed Rail (HSR) connection.


  • Main entry along Lamar Street with exhibit halls and trucks elevated above tracks

  • Memorial Drive and DART station under building

  • Spans I-30 into the Cedars

  • Reconfigures Lamar Street to create central lobby

  • Large ballrooms facing north and south with outdoor event terraces above Lobby

  • Leaves Memorial Arena and The Black Academy of the Arts and Letters (TBAAL) as a separate free-standing facility.


  • Meets recommended program

  • Elevated ballrooms with views

  • Opens Griffin Street and Lamar Street to sunlight

  • Opens up land east of Lamar for development


  • Covers Memorial Drive, DART station and future multimodal option

  • Builds overactive rail and provides location for future HSR connection over loading docks


Concept 3D – Underground

New build option meets recommended Convention Center program. Entrances above grade, exhibit halls and loading docks below street level. Surface streets are open to daylight eliminating KBHCCD as a barrier. Below grade exhibit halls increase cost and construction time.


  • Exhibit Level: -50’ below grade

    Exhibit Halls & Loading docks below street level

  • Truck access from Canton Street and Memorial Drive (Extension)

  • Re-align Memorial Drive to connect with Ceremonial Drive

  • 750,000 to 850,000 square feet exhibit space


  • Meets recommended program

  • Elevated ballrooms with views

  • Opens up all surface streets and eliminates KBHCCD as barrier

  • Opens up land south of Memorial Drive for redevelopment


  • Rebuilding across current footprint requires phased new build

  • Below grade Halls increase cost and construction durations