Connecting Communities

Acknowledging that historical development in Dallas has not always been inclusive, the Convention Center aims to truly enhance surrounding communities through transformative initiatives to elevate the built environment, economic opportunity, and mobility options across the city.

Integration with South Dallas and Beyond

Our project's North/South orientation on Lamar maintains a vital link to South Dallas along Botham Jean Boulevard. In addition, the creation of a new rail district will oversee the operation of a north-to-south trolley line. This initiative aims to significantly improve connectivity and accessibility.

Increased Walkability and Active Spaces

Developing accessible community spaces, public art installations, and urban garden amenities will green and integrate the convention center with surrounding South Dallas and downtown neighborhoods.

Job Training and Second Chance Programming

Partnering with minority contractor associations and institutions like Dallas College for job training underscores our commitment to economic mobility. Collaboration with Second Chance programs, which supports justice-impacted individuals, provides job skills and opportunities to facilitate successful reintegration into the workforce and contributes to a more inclusive economy.

New Transit Connectivity

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and City of Dallas are considering mobility options connecting a future High-Speed Rail (HSR) station, the convention center and Eddie Bernice Johnson (EBJ) Union Station hub.